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Emergency Case

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Wisdom teeth usually grow when you are older, around 17-25 years old. Sometimes, these teeth don't have enough space to grow properly and can cause problems, like hurting or pushing on other teeth. When this happens, your Grovedale dentist needs to take them out to ensure it does not cause long term problems.

During the procedure, your Grovedale dentist near you will give you some medicine to make sure you do not feel any pain while they work on your teeth. They will then use special tools to take out the teeth, clean the area where the teeth were, and put some gauze to help the area stop bleeding. After the procedure, our Grovedale dentists will give you some instructions on how to take care of your mouth and teeth as it heals.

It's important to take care of your mouth and follow the instructions given by the dentist to make sure you heal quickly and don't have any problems. Wisdom tooth extraction can be scary, but our Grovedale dentists will make sure you are comfortable and safe during the procedure.